

Monday, April 29, 2013

Tangerines nutrition facts ( chenza)

Tangerines are related varieties of oranges distinguished by loose, easily peeled shin (pericarp) and sweet juicy flesh (arils). They are also known as mandarin oranges in Europe and satsumas in Japan. Just as oranges, they too belong within the Rutaceae (citrus Family) and known scientifically as Citrus reticulata.

Mandarin orange thought to be originating in Southeastern tropical forest of China. Today, it is widely grown in many parts of the world as far as California, as an important commercial crop.

Health benefits of tangerines

Visit here to read health benefits of Oranges.
As in oranges, Tangerines are very low (53 calories/100 g) in calories. Nevertheless, they are valuable sources of flavonoid anti-oxidants like naringenin, naringin, hesperetin, vitamin A, carotenes, xanthins and luteins; in fact, several times higher than in the oranges.

In addition, the citrus fruits are very rich sources of vitamin-C (ascorbic acid), a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin-C is one of the powerful natural anti-oxidant, which has many essential roles like collagen synthesis, wound healing, anti-viral, anti-cancer activity, and help prevent from neuro-degenerative diseases, arthritis, and cold/fever...etc., by removing oxidant-free radicals from the body. Vitamin C helps absorb iron in the food by reducing ferrous form of the iron elements to ferric form in the gut.
Further, they contain natural soluble and insoluble fiber like hemi-cellulose, pectin...etc., which prevents cholesterol absorption in the gut. Adequate fiber in the food aids in smooth bowel movements by acting as a laxative.

Citrus fruits, as such, have long been valued for their wholesome nutritious and antioxidant properties. It is scientifically established that citrus fruits, especially oranges, by virtue of their richness in vitamins and minerals, have many proven health benefits. Moreover, it is now beginning to be appreciated that the other biologically active, non-nutrient compounds found in citrus fruits such as phyto-chemical antioxidants; soluble and insoluble dietary fiber is helpful in reduction in the risk for cancers, many chronic diseases like arthritis, and from obesity and coronary heart diseases

Watermelon nutrition facts

Want to quench thirst and re-boost your body with anti-oxidant lycopene and vitamin-A? Watermelon has everything you need to beat the scorching summer heat. Wonderfully delicious, thirst-quenching melons are the great source of much-needed water and electrolytes to beat the tropical summer temperatures.

Botanically, the fruit belongs to the family of Cucurbitaceae of the genus: citrullus, and is related to the other plants such as cantaloupe, squash, and pumpkin that grow as vines on the ground. It is widely grown across many tropical countries where it is one of the major commercial crops.

Botanical name: Citrullus lanatus.
Health benefits of watermelon

Rich in electrolytes and water content, melons are nature’s gift to beat tropical summer thirst.

Watermelons are very low in calories (just 30 calories per 100 g) and fats yet very rich source of numerous health promoting phyto-nutrients and anti-oxidants that are essential for optimum health.

Watermelon is an excellent source of Vitamin-A, which is a powerful natural anti-oxidant. 100 g fresh fruit provides 569 mg or 19% of daily-required levels of this vitamin. It is essential for vision and immunity. Vitamin-A is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin. Consumption of natural fruits rich in vitamin-A is known to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.

It is also rich in anti-oxidant flavonoids like lycopene, beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin. These antioxidants are found to offer protection against colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, and pancreatic cancers. Phyto-chemicals present in watermelon like lycopene and carotenoids have the ability to help protect cells and other structures in the body from oxygen-free radicals.

Watermelon is an excellent source of carotenoid pigment, lycopene and indeed, superior to raw red tomato. 100 g of fresh melon provides 4532 µg lycopene, whereas only 2573 µg in tomatoes. Studies suggest that lycopene offer certain protection to skin from harmful UV rays.

Watermelon fruit is a good source of potassium; Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure; It thus offers protection against stroke and coronary heart diseases.

Furthermore, it contains a good amount of vitamin-B6 (pyridoxine), thiamin (vitamin B-1), vitamin-C, and manganese. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin-C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful oxygen-free radicals. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.

Total measured antioxidant strength (ORAC value) of watermelon is 142 µmol TE/100 g.
Here are some serving tips:
•watermelon should be eaten as it is, without any additions, to experience its delicious, natural sweet taste.

•Cubes or sections of the melon are a great addition to fruit salad. Top its wedges with cold chocolate cream and relish!

•Jam, sorbet, fruit cocktail, and juice are some nutritious and delicious recipes you can make with melons.

•The seeds are roasted and eaten as a snack in some Asian countries.

•Its rind is used and eaten as a vegetable in some South American countries

This is the Mganda dance, from Lake Nyasa, In western Tanzania. the dance was called Dundo. but in the southern and eastern regions it was referred to as Mganda.


Afar tribe people of Djibouti,in East Africa. The Afar people also known as Adal, Adali, Oda’ali, Teltal and Dankali are Cushitic-nomadic people located in the East African countries of Djibouti, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Eritrea. The Afar (Danakil) claim to be descendants of Ham (Noah's son). They prefer to be known as the Afar, since the Arabic word "danakil" is an offensive term to them. They are a proud people, emphasizing a man's strength and bravery. Prestige comes, as it always has, from killing one's enemies.

The Afar people are warrior tribe and are very good at using knives and daggers in a warfare. They love their culture and respects their laws. There is a proverb in Afar that says: (koo liih anii macinay kamol ayyo mogolla) which means "I accept you in my home as a brother but I do not accept that you put my authority questioned" and therefore the Afar have still not agreed to be humble, being crushed, therefore they are in conflict with the rest of ethnic groups.

One of the Afar's claims to fame is due to an anthropological find in the Afar Depression. In 1974, anthropologists discovered a new species' of man at Hadar in the Awash Valley in Ethiopia. This new species was termed Australopithecus afarensis ("afar ape-man"), and is believed to have walked around Eastern Africa between 2.9 to 3.8 million years ago. The body was found to be female and named Lucy. Lucy was able to walk upright on a human-like body but still retained a small ape-like head and primitive teeth

Story: Which Employee Type Are You.

Employee “A” in a company walked up to his manager and asked what my job is for the day? The manager took “A” to the bank of a river and asked him to cross the river and reach the other side of the bank. “A” completed this task successfully and reported back to the manager about the completion of the task assigned. The manager smiled and said “GOOD JOB”

Next day Employee “B” reported to the same manager and asked him the job for the day. The manager assigned the same task as above to this person also. The Employee “B’ before starting the task saw Employee “C” struggling in the river to reach the other side of the bank. He realized “C” has the same task. Now “B” not only crossed the river but also helped “C” to cross the river. “B” reported back to the manager and the manager smiled and said “VERY GOOD JOB”
The following day Employee “Q” reported to the same manager and asked him the job for the day. The manager assigned the same task again. Employee “Q” before starting the work did some home work and realized “A”, “B” & “C” all has done this task before. He met them and understood how they performed. He realized that there is a need for a guide and training for doing this task. He sat first and wrote down the procedure for crossing the river, he documented the common mistakes people made, and tricks to do the task efficiently and effortlessly. Using the methodology he had written down he crossed the river and reported back to the manager along with documented procedure and training material. The manger said “Q” you have done an “EXCELLENT JOB”.

The following day Employee “O’ reported to the manager and asked him the job for the day. The manager assigned the same task again. “O” studied the procedure written down by “Q” and sat and thought about the whole task. He realized company is spending lot of money in getting this task completed. He decided not to cross the river, but sat and designed and implemented a bridge across the river and went back to his manager and said, “You no longer need to assign this task to any one”. The manager smiled and said “Outstanding job ‘O’. I am very proud of you.”

What is the difference between A, B, Q & O? Many a times in life we get tasks to be done at home, at office, at play.,
Most of us end up doing what is expected out of us. Do we feel happy? Most probably yes. We would be often disappointed when the recognition is not meeting our expectation. Let us compare ourselves with “B”. Helping someone else the problem often improves our own skills. There is an old proverb (I do not know the author) “learn to teach and teach to learn”. From a company point of view “B” has demonstrated much better skills than “A” since one more task for the company is completed.

“Q” created knowledge base for the team. More often than not, we do the task assigned to us without checking history. Learning from other’s mistake is the best way to improve efficiency. This knowledge creation for the team is of immense help. Re-usability reduces cost there by increases productivity of the team. “Q” demonstrated good “team-player” skills,
Now to the outstanding person, “O” made the task irrelevant; he created a Permanent Asset to the team.

If you notice B, Q and O all have demonstrated “team performance” over and above individual performance; they have also demonstrated a very invaluable characteristic known as “INITIATIVE”.
Initiative pays of everywhere whether at work or at personal life. If you have initiative you will succeed. Initiative is a continual process and it never ends. This is because this year’s achievement is next year’s task. You cannot use the same success story every year. The story provides an instance of performance, where as measurement needs to be spread across at least 6-12 months. Consequently performance should be consistent and evenly spread. Out-of-Box thinkers are always premium and that is what everyone constantly looks out for. Initiative, Out-of-Box thinking and commitment are the stepping stone to success
Initiative should be lifelong. Think of out of the box…..Happy Working

Tunafanya Utalii Serengeti Je Watanzania Mpoo.?

Pichani tunafanya utalii baadhi ya wageni wakiwa wanapata chakula kwenye mbuga ya wanyama ya Serengeti kama walivyokutwa na kamera yetu mbugani hapo na kufurahia mbuga hiyo hapo ni baada ya kuzunguka kwa muda na kujionea vivutio vya utalii. (Picha na Mahmoud Ahmad).



Picha zimepigwa kilometa chache tokea kilipo kituo cha Kibo hut, kituo ambacho ni cha mwisho kwa mpandaji wa njia ya Marangu na Rongai, kabla hajaanza kupanda kilele cha barafu siku ya mwisho kuelekea vituo vya Gilmans na mwishowe Uhuru.

KWS and TANAPA set to conduct joint cross border game count again

A regular conservation source from Arusha has sent details about a planned joint transboundary game count, going underway shortly to cover areas along the common border, like Amboseli / Kilimanjaro national parks and further into the Rift Valley along the Lake Magadi / Lake Natron areas.

The census was agreed upon in the face of alarming poaching numbers becoming available of elephant and other game, prompting the African Wildlife Foundation, in short known as AWF, to help finance the 80 million Kenya Shillings cost.
One of the added components will be a detailed assessment of the greater Amboseli area vis a vis sharply grown human populations, expanding ever further into marginal land areas previously left for the wildlife to roam and migrate, as agricultural production was thought to be impossible on a sustained basis.
Major wildlife corridors in Kenya, extending from Amboseli, and in fact from across the border in Tanzania even, to as far as the Nairobi National Park or the Chyulu Hills, are now increasingly diverted to other uses, prompting NEMA in Nairobi recently to put a moratorium of at least one year on all developments in this area. This time out period is hopefully providing some useful data on migration patterns and routes of game, then allowing for transit areas to be gazette and making human settlements illegal.
The last census was done in 2010, according to the source, during which zebras, elephant, wildebeest, giraffes and gazelles were counted, among other species, as well as bird counts undertaken.
The count will be conducted from the air to cover the entire area more effectively and use established methods to calculate the game roaming the surveyed parts. Results, as and when available, will be published here.


POSTER- Mara Clara
Baada ya Amante kukosa ushahidi wa kutosha kwa Gary, sasa aamua kumfuatilia katika bishara yake mpya haramu ya dawa za kulevya ili apate sababu ya kumtupa jela Gary. Huku nyumbani kwa Alvira mahusiano yake na Gary yanathibitika baada ya Alvira kutamka mbele ya Amante na Gary kuwa hampendi Amante na bali anampenda Gary peke yake.
Gary anatoa maoni kwa Alvira “nikwanini tusimuondoe Amante duniani ili aache kutuingilia penzi letu?” Alvira anashtuka na kukataa kata kata na kumwambia Gary asijaribu kuingilia na kumdhuru Amante kwani huo ni ugomvi wao, na pia Amante bado ni mumewe wa ndoa. Alvira anaanza kuutambua moyo wa Gary kwa matendo anayoanza kumuonyesha.
Gonga continue reading kuendelea..

Gary anaanza kama kumlazimisha Alvira wanyonyane ndimi, pia ahamie kwa Alvira, lakini Alvira kwasababu malengo yake sio kuolewa na Gary ni kutafuta vidhibiti vya maovu ya Gary, hivyo anamwambia Gary asiwe na haraka ya mambo, muda utafika tu.
Huko kijijini Suzan anapata vipimo kuwa ni mjamzito, ujauzito unaosemekana kuwa ni wamumewe Gary. MARA adhamilia kabisaa kurudi nyumbani kwao, lakini Alvira anamsihi Suzan amzuie kwani huko mambo bado sii mazuri. Huku mjini Clara nae amerejea tena huku akiendeleza kumfanyia bibi yake ugaidi.
Mama yake Gary anapata nafuu ya kuweza kutembea japo kwa shida, hadi alikochimbia zile fedha za Gary. Akiwa bado anachimbua, mfanyakazi wake anaanza kumtafuta huku akisaidiana na CG,wanamkuta japo alikuwa bado hajazitoa.
Amante anajipanga yeye na wenzake ili kumfuatilia Gary katika biashara zake za dawa za kulevya, anafanikiwa kuchukua video kwa njia ya simu, lakini wenzake Gary wanashtukia kuwa kunamtu anawafuatilia, hivyo wanamwambia Gary. Amante akiwa bado ananyata kuondoka mara Gary anatokeza kwa nyuma yake na bastora na kusema “Amante leo sitokuacha, huwezi kuondoka”, Gary anampiga risasi na Amante kuanguka chini.
Nyumbani kwa Gary yeye na Clara wanafanikiwa kuzifukua zile pesa zilizokuwa zimefukiwa na mama yake. Amante afanikiwa kufikishwa hospitali, huku Suzan na MARA wafanikiwa kurudi na kufika hospitali kumuona Amante.
Gary anafika hospitali na kumkuta Suzan na MARA, anatoa bastora na kumnyoshea Suzan lakini Alvira na MARA wanamzingira Suzan kwa pamoja, mara Gary bado akiwa na hasira anawauliza “mnafikiri mtakimbia kwenda wapi?” anawaonyooshea bastora wote watatu. Huku Madaktari wanajaribu kumpiga shoti Amante ili azinduke lakini juhudi kama zinagonga mwamba hivi!
Mwandishi: Vikta Machota (Asili Yetu Tanzania)
To be continue.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Strawberries nutrition facts

Delicious and nutrition-rich red colored strawberries are among the most popular berries. Native to Europe, however, nowadays the berries are widely cultivated as an important commercial crop in many temperate regions all over the world. Botanically, the plant is a runner (creeper), belongs to the family of Rosaceae, of the genus: Fragaria.

Scientific name: Fragaria X ananassa

Health benefits of strawberries
Strawberry is low in calories (32 kcal/100g) and fats but rich source of health promoting phyto-nutrients, minerals and vitamins that are essential for optimum health.

Strawberries have significantly high amounts of phenolic flavonoid phyto-chemicals called anthocyanins and ellagic acid. Scientific studies show that consumption of straw berries may have potential health benefits against cancer, aging, inflammation and neurological diseases.

Srtawberry has an ORAC value (oxygen radical absorbance capacity, a measure of anti-oxidant strength) of about 3577µmol TE per 100 grams.

Fresh berries are an excellent source of vitamin-C (100 g provide 58.8 mg or about 98% of RDI), which is also a powerful natural antioxidant. Consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents, counter inflammation and scavenge harmful free radicals.

The fruit is rich in B-complex group of vitamins. It contains very good amounts of vitamin B-6, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and folic acid. These vitamins are acting as co-factors help the body metabolize carbohydrate, proteins and fats.

Strawberries contain vitamin A, vitamin E and health promoting flavonoid poly phenolic antioxidants such as lutein, zea-xanthin, and beta-carotene in small amounts. These compounds help act as protective scavengers against oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) that play a role in aging and various disease processes.
Furthermore, They contain a good amount of minerals like potassium, manganese, fluorine, copper, iron and iodine. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells. Iron is required for red blood cell formation. Fluoride is a component of bones and teeth and is important for prevention of dental caries.

Here are some serving tips:
Sliced fresh strawberries can be a great addition to fruit or green salad.

They can be a great snack between meals. Dried strawberry slices can be added in muffins, pie, cakes and are used in cereal flakes as a breakfast recipe.

The berries are a popular addition to dairy products, as in strawberry flavored ice cream, milkshakes, smoothies and yogurts.

Safety profile

Strawberries may cause serious allergic reactions in some sensitized individuals. Some of the most common symptoms of strawberry allergy include swelling and redness of mouth, lips and tongue, eczema, hives, skin rash, headache, runny nose, itchy eyes, wheezing, gastrointestinal disturbances, depression, hyperactivity and insomnia. Individuals who suspect allergy to these fruits may want to avoid

Let's dance!! Or fight!! Whichever way you look at it, these two lionesses provided a great kodak moment!

Beautiful black queen from Bodi tribe in Ethiopia`s Omo Valley which is home to one of the African original indigenous tribes that still maintains their ancient African traditions and culture devoid of Western influence

Bodi tribe woman from Ethiopia`s Omo Valley and her baby with their awesome tribal hairstyles.

Unlike most camera-toting tourists visiting the famous site (the pyramid is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World).

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Karani tamba anatumia miguu yake kumkanyaga nyoka hadi kufa, kabla hajaanza kumla.

The secretary bird uses its long legs to pound on the snake, killing it before starting to feed

Hii ni pembe ya Pongo, inayotumika na Wamasai kama kifaa mojawapo cha muziki.

Nothing beats the beauty of Tanzanian sunsets!

The hippo relies on water or mud to keep cool and usually they are found in mixed groups of about 15 individuals. How many do you think they are here?

Source: www.tanzaniaholidays.com

How much closer would you like to get to this crocodile?

Introducing the Giant coconut crab, the world's largest terrestrial crab! It can be found at the Chumbe Island, Zanzibar

This is a Sukuma harvest dance, done during the harvest celebrations known as Bulago.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Hii ni sehemu ya pili na ya mwisho kuhusu unywaji wa maji kama tiba mbadala ya maradhi mbalimbali.  Tafadhali endelea kusoma ili  kujua namna ya kutumia maji kama tiba.

PILI: Kutokana na shinikizo hilo la maji la ghafla, masalia na vipande vya vyakula ambavyo huganda kwenye kuta za utumbo mdogo, husombwa na maji hayo pamoja na gesi na vitu vingine ambavyo havikusagwa na kutupwa kwenye utumbo mpana tayari kutolewa kama uchafu. Hali hii huuacha utumbo mdogo ukiwa safi na kuzipa seli uhai mpya!

TATU: Utumbo siyo sehemu pekee inayonufaika na tiba hii ya maji, bali chembechembe hai (cells) zote za mwili huwa zimepewa uhai na nguvu mpya. Maji yanaponywewa baada ya mwili kutoingiza kitu chochote kwa kipindi cha saa 8 – 10, mwili huyapokea maji hayo kwa ‘kiu’ kubwa na kuyasambaza katika seli zote za mwili.
Vijidudu nyemelezi (free radicals) na vitu vyote vyenye sumu ambavyo huganda kwenye seli, kimsingi hushinikizwa kujiondoa vyenyewe kutoka kwenye seli hizo, hivyo kuurahisishia mfumo wa kusafisha mwili kuondoa mwilini sumu na vitu visivyotakiwa kwa urahisi.

Kwa mgonjwa anayetumia tiba hii ya maji, kuna mabadiliko au usumbufu fulani anaoweza kuupata katika siku 3 au 7 za mwanzo. Anaweza kuumwa na kichwa au mwili na kuhisi kama kichwa chake ‘kinaogelea’. Vile vile anaweza kutokwa sana jasho, kusikia kichefuchefu au kama si hivyo, anaweza asijisikie vizuri tu.
Hayo yasikutie hofu, hayo SIYO MADHARA (side effects), bali hiyo ni dalili kwamba mwili umeanza kuondoa sumu zilizoganda kwenye seli zake. Kwa kuwa tiba ya maji haina madhara yoyote, unapoona dalili hiyo usiache, endelea kama kawaida, kama utashindwa basi punguza kidogo kiasi cha maji unachokunywa.
Baada ya siku kadhaa kupita, mgonjwa hurejea katika hali yake ya kawaida na hiyo huwa ni dalili kwamba mwili umeanza kutakasika. Hali ikirejea kama kawaida, mgonjwa hana budi kuendelea na kiasi kilekile cha maji kilichopendekezwa.

Ingawa tiba ya maji ni nzuri kwa wagonjwa wengi wa figo na moyo, lakini wenye matatizo MAKUBWA ya magonjwa hayo, wanashauriwa kujaribu tiba hii baada tu ya kupata mwongozo sahihi na ruhusa ya daktari anayeijua vizuri hali ya mgonjwa wake.

Mabanda wanamolala wanaopanda Mlima Kilimanjaro kwa njia ya Marangu

 Haya ndio mabanda wanamolala wageni wanaopanda mlima Kilimanjaro kwa njia ya Marangu. ifahamike ya kwamba, ni njia ya Marangu pekee (kwa mlima Kilimanjaro) ambapo mgeni anakuwa na fursa ya kulala kwenye banda. (Huts). Wapandaji wa njia nyingine wanalala kwenye mahema madogo au makubwa. Picha juu ni moja ya mabanda yaliyopo kwenye kituo cha Mandara. Banda hili limegawanywa sehemu mbili ambako kila sehemu ina uweze wa kulaza wageni wanne. Mabanda yana solar hivyo wageni wanakuwa na uhakika wa mwanga japo ukitaka kuchaji simu au kamera inabidi uende kwenye banda la wasimamizi ambako wao ndio wana socket. Vyumbani kuna switch ya taa na taa yenyewe tu. Kwa anayepanda kwa njia ya Marangu, atalala kwenye huts kama hizi katika kituo cha Mandara na Horombo. Kituo cha Kibo kina chumba kilichojengwa kwa mfumo wa bweni lenye vyumba kadhaa ndani yake. Lipo tofauti kidogo na hizi huts za Mandara na Horombo.
Hali ilivyo ndani, hii ni sehemu ya upande mmoja wapo wa banda tulilolala sisi. upande wa pili kuna sehemu nyingine yenye uwezo wa kulaza wageni wanne. mpango ulivyo ndani ni wageni watatu wanalala kwenye hivi vitanda vya chini wakati mmoja analala hapo juu. Magodoro unayakuta ktk hut isipokuwa mgeni unalala kwenye sleeping bag yako uliyokuja nayo.

Taswira maridhawa toka Ziwa Eyasi

Lake Eyasi Tanzania

Lake Eyasi Tanzania
Lake Eyasi Tanzania
Picha zote na Mdau Thomas 

Karibu Fair 2013 - 31st May to 2nd June 2013

Karibu Fair 2013
Karibu is the leading travel trade event in East Africa. Originally created to promote Tanzania, it’s now a regional event that also features many products and delegates from Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. Karibu’s major function is one of a relationship broker who targets, attracts and matches the needs of buyers and suppliers.
By attending the Karibu Fair, you will minimize the time spent searching for the right providers and accommodations to suit your clients’ tastes and budgets. With over 250 exhibitors to choose from, you can select from a wide range of legendary destinations, new hotels, lodges and camps situated in secluded breathtaking settings off the beaten track.

The event provides an ideal opportunity for overseas buyers and travel journalists to meet the market leaders in the East African tourism industry and learn about emerging trends and developments. For more details about this exciting international event and how to pre-register, please continue browsing our web site. Sustainable Partnerships are the way forward!

Here are the Latest jobs posted on Brighter Monday today.

Below are the latest jobs posted on BrighterMonday for matching your subscription criteria.
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System Auditor
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Farm Manager
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Graphic Designer
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Medical Records Clerk
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Program Assistant- Grants, Consultant
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C# / ASP.NET Developer
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Accounts Assistant
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Tours Consultant 
Date Posted: April 21, 201



MTUNZI: George Iron


Kijana hakukumbuka kama anayo pete ya ndoa, hakukumbuka kama anao watoto nyumbani.

Denny akachukua mkondo wa wanaume wengi, kuwa watumwa wa ngoni linapokuja suala la ana kwa ana na msichana.
Akamkumbatia Asia.
Ulikuwa mchezo wa dakika zisizopungua hamsini, sakafu ilihangaishwa, kitanda kiliteseka, bafu nalo liliona kilichotokea.
Deniss hakuwahi kufanyiwa manjonjo hayo na mkewe wa ndoa.
Walipotoka bafuni. Deniss akakumbuka kujibu swali.
“Nipo tayari kwa zawadi ya kwanza, nami nitakupa zawadi pia mpenzi.”
“Ok siku ukiipata hiyo pesa utanambia…” Asia akauliza swali la mitego.
“Sio kuipata ipo tayari..yaani siku ukiwa na nafasi tu my dear.” Deniss akajileta kwenye kumi na nane. Asia akachekelea maana hakuna mchezo alioupenda kama mchezo ndani ya kumi na nane.
“Basi tufanye kesho kutwa maana kesho nakimbia Mbeya…..narudi keshokutwa mchana…” alidanganya Asia ili aweze kujipanga kuchuma baada ya kupanda mwezi mzima.


DENISS aliondoka kurejea nyumbani akiwa na furaha ya aina yake. Hakuwa na moyo wowote wa majuto juu ya kitendo chake cha kufanya mapenzi na Asia wakati yu katika ndoa.
Alikuwa akiwaza kuwa ameweza kumzunguka mbunge fulani na kulala na mkewe. Nafasi ya kipekee kabisa.
Jambo jingine lililompagawisha ni uamuzi wa kushangaza wa Asia wa kumnunulia kiwanja na ikiwezekana kumsaidia katika ujenzi.
“Wabunge wetu wana pesa hawa pumbavu zao…” alitokwa na kauli hiyo Deniss huku akiwa makini na barabara.
Akiwa katika kumuwazia Asia mara ukaingia ujumbe katika simu yake, akasubiri alipoyafikia mataa ya kuzuia magari, akaichukua simu.
Alikuwa ni Asia ametuma ujumbe.
“I have never been fuc*ed like this. Thanx.”
Ujumbe ule mfupi, Deniss aliurudia mara mbilimbili, hakuamini hizo sifa alikuwa anapewa yeye.
Alikuwa amefanikiwa kumteka Asia kwa penzi la muda mfupi tu.
“Hapa huyu mbunge asahau kabisa kama ana mke. Na mimi ndo sitoki hapa.” Aliongea kwa sauti ya juu, tabasamu likiutawala vyema uso wake.

Deniss alitamani sana kuendelea kuwa na ujumbe ule katika simu yake, lakini tatizo alikuwa na mke. Akalazimika kuufuta huku moyo ukimuuma.


HATIMAYE baada ya mwezi mzima wa kujtengana na rafiki zake Asia alihitisha kikao cha dharula. Japo awali alitaka kuyamaliza mambo haya kimya kimya, lakini akajikuta harakati zake akimuhitaji mtoto wa kikurya Janeth, na wenzake wawili akiwemo Messi ambaye ni mtaalamu wa mipango.

“Jamani nimekuwa kimya mwezi mzima, najua mmechonga sana ooh Asia anaringa, sijui nini……hayaaishi midomoni nyie watoto kama Janeth ulivyokuwa mpana kama magagulo ya wasomali sikuezi.” Akazungumza Asia kwa nyodo, kimya kikatanda kisha kama wameambizana akaanza kucheka Janeth, Messi ambaye jina lake halisi ni Husna akafuatia, mara Asia, mwishowe meza nzima wakawa wanacheka.
“Imetosha sasa.” Aliwakatisha Asia.
“Nimeleta kazi mezani.” Alisita akagida maji kisha akaendelea, “Messi unamkumbuka jamaa uliyekutana naye benki mwezi ule.”
“Jamaa gani?” Husna akauliza.
“Yule ambaye ulinipa namba ya simu.”
“Eeeh nimemkumbuka vipi kwani?”
“Mambo yameiva ni sisi tu kupakua.” Asia aliwashirikisha wote kwa pamoja.
Akawasikiliza anasema nini.
Akausikiliza ushauri wa Husna, haukuwa ushauri mzuri sana, ushauri wa kumuibia Deniss kadi ya benki na kwenda kuvuta pesa.
“Hapana Messi hiyo mbaya…mi nataka ile ya kisasa mbona hiyo imekaa kinjaa njaa sana. Kama tunachuna mwanachuo banaaa.” Aligoma Asia.
Janeth alikuwa kama hawasikilizi vile, lakini aliponyan yua kinywa na kusema neno mambo yakaonekana kua sawa. Akakubaliana na Janeth.

Wakaagana huku wakiisubiri siku ya siku.

Milioni kumi.
Hazikuwa pesa ndogo. Isitoshe Asia hakuwa ametumia zaidi ya laki tano katika kufanikisha hili.


ASIA alikuwa ameikalia vyema gari aina ya Harrier, alikuwa anaikanyaga vyema kana kwamba ni ya kwake.

Ndani ya gari aikuwa yeye na Deniss, siku hiyo Asia aligoma kutumia gari ya Deniss alihitaji naye kumuendesha.
“Mapenzi ya kihindi haya…” alijisemea Deniss wakati akikubaliana na Asia.
“Au umechukia baby.” Asia alibembeleza kiwiziwizi.
“Hamna jamani mbona sawa tu…” alijibu Deniss.
Sasa alikuwa katika gari la Asia, ilikuwa ni saa sita mchana.
“Tuanzie kwangu ama kwako.” Asia aliuliza ka kuridhika akia anaikanyaga gari kwa umakini.
“Mh. Kwani we unachukua wapi?”
“Standard chattered Posta kule.” Alijibu Asia.
“Mimi Crdb yoyote tu…lakini huwa napendelea ya kule mtaa wa Lumumba. Hakuna foleni na uhakika wa pesa ndefu upo.”
“Pesa ndefu? Kwako pesa ndefu ni ipi? Hao CRDB walioshindwa kunipa ki milioni hamsini kwa wakati unasema wanatoa pesa ndefu? Benki za kibongo ushenzi tu…walinifanya nionekane mwongo mbele za watu ” alijibu Asia ka kuonyesha kukereka.
Deniss, kimya aliogopa kujibu kitu maana kwake pesa ndefu alihesabia hiyo milioni kumi, kumbe mwenzake aliwahi kukosa ki-milioni hamsini.
Ipi pesa ndefu sasa?.
Deniss hakujua kama mfumo wa digitali hauhitaji kupandisha antenna juu ili kuondoa chenga chenga. Hakujua kama ni kuseti kidogo tu king’amuzi na mambo yanaenda sawa.
Deniss naye alikuwa analojia.

Wakalifikia ghorofa kubwa ambalo chini kuna benki ya Standard chattered…….

“Tushuke basi si unajua kuna kukabwa……’ Asia akamsihi Deniss. Wakashuka.
Ðeniss aliposhuka, asia akamfuata na kumnong’oneza kwa tahadhari.
“Jiweke mbali kidogo si unajua tena wavimba macho, nisije nikatolewa magazetini nikaivunja ndoa.” Maneno yale yakamtia wivu mkali Deniss, Asia alihitaji sana hali ile.
Akazama ndani ya benki Asia, akamwacha Deniss amekaa mbali kabisa akiwa hana habari na yule binti.
Asia akajaza karatasi kadha wa kadha.
Deniss akiwa amezubaa katika gazeti mara ukaingia ujumbe.
“Njoo unisaidie.’ Mtumaji alikuwa Asia. Deniss akaangaza huku na kule akamwona, akasimama na kumfuata.
“Nisaidie kujaza” Asia alisema kwa sauti ya kimahaba.
Deniss akaanza kujaza.
“Nitolee 45 kabisa. Nimekumbuka nina safari juma lijalo.” Asia alimpa maelekezo Dennis, Deniss akajaza milioni arobaini na tano kutoa.
Asia akachukua ile karatasi akaenda dirishani.
Akafanya tukio la sekunde kadhaa.
Akabadili karatasi.
Akamkabidhi yule dada aliyekuwa dirishani.
Akamkabidhi na pesa kiasi cha shilingi elfu hamsini.
Alikuwa anaweka katika akaunti ya Janeth.
Aliporudishiwa ‘paying slip’ akafungua koba lake kwa mbwembwe akaweka ndani.
Akatoa karatasi nyingine tena akamkabidhi yule muhudumu.
Akaweka elfu thelathini katika akaunti ya Husna.
Nayo kama ile ya awali akatia karatasi katika koba lake.
Mchezo ulienda kama alivyotaka.
Akasogea pembeni akazugazuga kisha akaondoka.
“Twende zetu afisa.” Alimshtua Deniss.

Walipoifikia zamu ya Deniss kutoa pesa ikazuka ile dhana ya wanaume wengi kupenda sifa mbele ya msichana hasahasa akiwa mrembo. Sifa hizi za kijinga huwatokea wanaume wengi puani, yaani hupenda kujionyesha kuwa wana pesa nyingi, kujidai kuwa hawajali hata pesa zao zikitumika hovyo.

Lakini mwisho wa siku akilala kitandani anasema. NINGEJUA.
Pepo hilo likamkaba Deniss pia.
Akataka kujiweka daraja moja na Asia.
“Na mimi njoo unisaidie.” Alijifanya kudeka.
Asia ambaye katika filamu hii ni mke wa mbunge, akarembua jicho. Kisha akachukua kalamu.
Alipofikia kiwango cha kutoa.
“Nitolee kumi na tano kuna jambo nataka kufanya na hiyo tano.”
Asia akacheka kidogo kisha akamjazia, moyoni akafurahia dau kupanda.
Deniss akapanga foleni, baada ya nusu saa akarejea akia na bahasha yenye chapa ‘CRDB BANK’
Ujazo wake ulikuwa wa kulidhisha.
Asia akarukwa na mate mdomoni, lakini kama alivyoanza taratibu alitaka kumaliza hivyohivyo.
“Yaani pesa bwana hicho hapo kimilioni kumi na tano eti….duuh.” alisema Asia huku akiingalia ile bahasha kwa dharau kiasi.
Deniss hakujibu.

Akiwa anaendesha mara simu ikaita.

Akaegesha gari pembeni kidogo. Akapokea.
Ilikuwa simu ya kuigiza kutoka kwa mmiliki wa kiwanja ambacho walikuwa wanaenda kununua.
“Wakati mwingine nachukia kufanya biashara na wabongo.”
“Kuna nini?”
“Eti hadi saa kumi na mbili, sijui kuna mambo gani gani aaargh. Fuck” alighafirika.
Deniss akaanza kushusha chini kihulka. Alifanya vile kama anafanya kwa mpenzi wake wa siku nyingi.
“Baby…nahitaji kupumzika pliiz…..we have to go somewhere..we unadhani sasa hivi saa nane hadi ifike saa kumi na mbili ni leo…”
Kauli hiyo ikamfurahisha Denny, akaikumbuka ile siku alipoonja tunda la mke wa mbunge.
Kama alivyotaka Asia baada ya saa zima walikuwa ndani ya chumba wakila raha.
Deniss kichwani akiamini kuwa ndani ya kile chumba kuna milioni hamsiniAsia ndiye aliyeijua hesabu sahihi.
Asia Digitali akachezesha kiuno kwa umakini huku akicheza na muda, alimpa Deniss kitu roho inapenda akamzidishia makusudi viuno ili afikie lengo.
Lengo la kumchosha.
Kweli akachoka mwishowe akalala.
Asia naye akazuga kulala.
Akamshtua Denis saa kumi na mbili na nusu.
Walikuwa wamechelewa.
Wakajiandaa upesi wakatoweka.
Asia akiwa ameukamata usukani.
Wakapita hapa na pale.
Foleni ikawa kikwazo Asia akaamua kupitia njia za panya, ni huku walipokutana na dhahama.
Wakakutana na gari nyingine, hakuna aliyetaka kumpisha mwenzake.
Kigiza kile kila mmoja akammulika mwenzake.
Asia akaghafilika. Deniss akagundua hilo.
Ama kwa hakika ukitaka mwanaume apigane basi mdharau mbele ya msichana.
Deniss akashuka mbiombio kuwakabili wale walioziba njia.
Asia naye akashuka.
Akakutana na kimya cha hatari.
Mara akazolewa mtama. Akatua chini kama mzigo alipojaribu kupiga kelele alikutana na mdomo wa bunduki.
Kidogo Asia acheke kwa jinsi Deniss alivyokuwa anatetemeka lakini akaumbuka kuwa alikuwa katika kuigiza filamu.
Hakutakiwa kucheka, akaendelea kulia.
Mmoja kati ya watekaji akaiendea gari. Badala ya kupekua akaiwasha. Ikaunguruma kisha ikageuzwa na kupotea.
Deniss alikuwa amejikojolea tayari.
Watekaji walificha nyuso zao.
Wawili walikuwa wanaume. Mmoja mwanamke.
“Ole wako usimame.” Alipewa onyo Deniss aliyekuwa amelala chini.
Asia kitambo alikuwa amejifanya kuzimia. Alikuwa ametulia tuli.
Baada ya dakika kumi eneo lile lisilokuwa na nji za magari walikuwepo watu wawili, Asia na Deniss.
Deniss alikuwa amepagawa.
Lazima apagae, hakutegemea shambulizi hili, halafu mbaya zaidi wameondoka na gari la Asia na pesa zote......kizungumkuti
Alijaribu kumwamsha Asia, hakuamka. Akamtikisa lakini hali ikawa vile vile.
Deniss akaamua kujijali kwanza yeye, Asia baadaye, akatimua mbio kali.
Kuna kichwa kilikuwa kimejibanza mahali kikisubiri jambo hilo litokee.
“Amka wewe bwege kasepa.” Sauti tulivu ya Janeth maji ya shingo.
Asia akainuka, akasahau viatu, pekupeku akajikongoja.
Wakaikuta taksi inawasubiri.
“Janeth wewe mbayaaaa.” Asia alimsifu mkurya yule.

***KI-DIGITALI ….mtu anasuka mwezi mzima…lakini malipo yake sasa…….usiombe kukutana naye…….utajuta kuzaliwa…..

ITAENDELEA……itaishia hapa kwenye hii blog unaweza kununua hiki kitabu namna ya kununua cheki upande wa kulia wa blog yako kuwasiliana na mtunzi

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