Sunday, April 13, 2014
Sunday, April 6, 2014
The 7th annual ngorongoro run (the race against malaria) is around the corner will happen this year on April 19th
The 7th annual ngorongoro run (the race
against malaria) is around the corner will happen this year on April
19th where adults will run half marathon 21km from the gate of
ngorongoro creator among the seventh wonders of the world, mean while
kids will run 2.5km. This year we have increased categories (corporate
package) where companies and institution will compete on 5km fun run to
win a day tour to ngorongoro creator and enjoy bush lunch with the main
sponsors and other officials.
To come across to the theme of the run which is “the race against malaria” awareness about malaria have been done to four secondary and one primary school of karatu these include annagamazo, mang’ola, florian endala and endamarierek primary school.
To come across to the theme of the run which is “the race against malaria” awareness about malaria have been done to four secondary and one primary school of karatu these include annagamazo, mang’ola, florian endala and endamarierek primary school.
The aim was to create malaria awareness to the students, teachers and other community members. The program was divided into four faces the first was Education, the second was testing for malaria to those with symptoms of malaria, then provision of results and treatment to those who have positive results, meanwhile a total of 100 mosquito nets was provided to each school as a means of prevention against malaria
Fisi akishiba lazima atafute kichaka au Tope...

Tunamfahamu kama bwana afya, na hii ni kutokana na uwezo aliojaliwa
Muumba wa kuweza kula mpaka mifupa. Wengi wetu hatufahamu gharama
anayoipata fisi kutokana na kuwa na uwezo huo wa kula mifupa, kwato
mpaka pembe za wanyama wengine. Ni kwamba, Mfumo wa mmeng'enyo wa fisi
una tindikali ambazo ndizo zinampa kiburi mnyama huyu kupambana na
mifupa iliyowashinda wenzie. tindikali hizi hufanya kazi ya kumeng'enya
bidhaa zote ambazo Fisi huzitupiamo kinywani mwake. Zoezi la kumeng'enya
mifupa na vyakula vingine huishia kuzalisha joto kali sana kwenye mwili
wa fisi. Endapo fisi hatachukua hatua stahiki joto lile linaweza
kupanda na kufikia viwango vya hatari vyenye kuweza kuhatarisha maisha
yake. Joto huwa kali kiasi cha kuweza kuanza kuharibu baadhi ya viungo
vyake vya ndani.

ili kuweza kukabiliana na joto hilo na pia kunusuru maisha yake, fisi
hulazimika aidha kutafuta mahali ambapo kuna kivuli au Sehemu yenye maji
au Tope. Sehemu hizi ndizo ambazo Fisi atazitumia kujaribu kupunguza
makali ya joto ili lisimletee madhara zaidi. Chaguo la namna ya
kujihifadhi hutegemea na mazingira aliyopo. Mathalani kwa fisi hawa
tuliowakuta ndani ya Hifadhi ya Serengeti walilazimika kujitosa kwenye
matope yaliyokuwa kandokando ya barabara ya Serengeti- Ngorongoro. hii
ni kwasabu eneo ambalo tuliwakuta fisi hawa, hakukuwa na kichaka au mti
wa kuweza kuwapa kivuli kizuri kupumzika. Hali hii hupelekea pia fisi
kupenda kufanya mawindo yake usiku ambako hali ya joto huwa ni ya chini.
Jua la mchana na shibe ni mateso kwa bwana afya.

Not many people get the opportunity to watch 5 Cheetah cubs drinking
Some lucky guests at were treated to this amazing sight.
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